Accidents Insurance can happen at any time. When an accident happens, it can be costly. Even with Major Medical insurance, there may be out-of-pocket expenses that you’ll have to pay. In the event of an unexpected injury, aflac can help potect you personal finances. Aflac provides individuals and families affortdable insurance that helps with expenses that may not be covered by major medical Iinsurance. Aflac pays cash benefits directly to you, so you can use the cash for anything you want. Which means uncovered medical expenses won’t break the bank if you are injured. The Aflac Accident Insurance policy includes:Accidents can happen at any time. When an accident happens, it can be costly. Even with Major Medical insurance, there may be out-of-pocket expenses that you’ll have to pay.
In the event of an unexpected injury, Aflac can help protect your personal finances. Aflac provides individuals and families affordable insurance that helps with expenses that may not be covered by major medical Insurance. Aflac pays cash benefits directly to you, so you can use the cash for anything you want. Which means uncovered medical expenses won’t break the bank if you are injured. Accidents can happen at any time. When an accident happens, it can be costly. Even with Major Medical insurance, there may be out-of-pocket expenses that you’ll have to pay. In the event of an unexpected injury, aflac can help potect you personal finances. Aflac provide s individuals and families affortdable insurance that helps with expenses that may not be covered by major medical Iinsurance. Aflac pays cash benefits directly to you, so you can use the cash for anything you want. Which means uncovered medical expenses won’t break the bank if you are injured.
The Aflac Accident Insurance policy includes:
- A wellness benefit payable for routine medical exams to encourage early detection and prevention.
- Benefits payable for fractures, dislocations, lacerations, concussions, burns, emergency dental work, eye injuries, and surgical procedures
- Benefits payable for initial treatment, X-ray, major diagnostic exams, and follow-up treatments.
- Benefits payable for physical, speech, and occupational therapy.
- Daily Hospitalization benefits payable for hospital stays, and additional daily benefits paid for stays in a hospital intensive care unit.